Our Vision

Our Vision
We are all about Christ’s love in action. Jesus went to people who were in desperate straits and showed grace and love to them. Whether it was an illness, or sin, or being ostracized, Christ accepted them and offered forgiveness and a way out. As a church committed to bringing Christ’s love and compassion to our community, we desire to love as He loves. He loves you unconditionally, and so do we.
Christ's Love In Action
Jesus went to people who were in desperate straits and showed grace and love to them. Whether it was an illness, or sin, or being ostracized, Christ accepted them and offered forgiveness and a way out. As a church committed to bringing Christ’s love and compassion to our community, we desire to love as He loves. He loves you unconditionally, and so do we.
We have a mandate and clear assignment.
Jesus commanded us to go into the world and make disciples, and he equipped us with the Holy Spirit to enable us to do that. We are His hands and feet, and just like Jesus drew people to Himself by love and mighty acts, that’s our desire. In the early Church, the believers’ love for one another and others was so authentic and so obvious that even those outside the Church took notice and were amazed by the loving-kindness of first and second-century Christians. It must have seemed peculiar to people of the times, so much so that the ancient writer Aristides commented, “How they love one another,” referring to the Church. Jesus said in John 13:35 that By this all will know that you are My disciples if you have a love for one another.”We want to give our customers crisp, crunchy and delicious pickled vegetables and fruits. Most of all, we want to expand people’s palates and prove that pickles don’t always come in a green or red variety.
We Are a Church Driven by Vision

We have a vision of a church that loves God and one another so much that it is irresistible to people on the outside looking in. (John 13:34-35; Mark: 16:15).

We have a vision of a church that excels at equipping people to use the gift of The Holy Spirit in winning souls for Christ (Proverbs 11:30; John 15:16).

We have a vision of a church that does the works that Jesus did and greater works than Christ did (John14:12)

We have a vision of a church that is so compassionate, desiring everyone to be healed and made whole. (Acts 28:3-9; Joshua 5:8).

We have a vision of a church that wants the whole city to be healed and made whole (Acts 28:3-9; Joshua 5:8).

We have a vision of a church that wants a city free of crime. (Isaiah 58:12, Isaiah 61:4, and Amos 9:14 ).

We have a vision of a church that is generous and abundant. John 10:10b

We have a vision of a church that passionately pursues the heart of God for this City, State, and Nation!” (Jeremiah 29:13)
We invite you to join us on an adventure of faith. We welcome all nations, peoples, and tribes, and we welcome you regardless of your past or present circumstances. God’s grace extends to all of us and NEVER FAILS. We can’t wait to meet you.

Join Our Dream Team
Within the heart of every person is a desire to be part of something bigger than themselves. When you join the Dream Team, you have the opportunity to do just that – to use your gifts, passions, and personality to serve God and bless others through countless acts of service. Some people greet guests. Others serve coffee. Still others care for children, assist with small groups, or work in technology to help produce Sunday’s services. Whatever puts a spring in your step, that’s where you’ll find inner joy and fulfillment, while making an eternal impact for God’s Kingdom! Ready to get started? Got questions? Email out the form below and we will get back to you. Thank you